
I wonder if I put a few words here?

Final review

Branching out from learning Twine to narrate can bring a whole new experience to learners, enabling them to actively learn from interacting with the story. Such an experience engages every learner. However, the logical thinking and storytelling skills of the narrator are tested in the process of creating a Twine.

In the next video game study, I learned about the balance between passive and active learning. This allowed me to bring it into Interactive and Multimedia Learning.We spent the entire class learning how to engage interactive learning in our daily learning and lives. However, when making interactive learning videos, I found that I needed to use more animation and more interesting content in my interactive videos to engage my audience. This also allowed me to do active learning in this.

However, in generative AI I learned how to use ‘Sections’ as well as explored the convenience and badness that AI brings. From commenting to other students I discovered that AI is not always right, and that it generates a large percentage of errors.

From REFLECTIONS and comments to other students, I have come to realize through text, video, and interactive animation that learning can be diverse, and that such a diverse learning process can increase learner initiative. This distinguishes interactive learning from traditional learning.


Module 5: Generative AI and Evaluating Content and Tools for Learning

“can you generate a pic of winnie bear is driving a sport car” prompt, DALL-E, version 2, OpenAI, 16 Mar. 2024,

This surprised me, I thought chat gpt would give up if it couldn’t produce a picture for me, but I didn’t think it would actually describe it for me using text!

Analyze chat GPT with SECTIONS:

  • S tudents

Anyone who needs an AI to answer a question is a student, and the only necessary tool they need to have is a device capable of connecting to the internet. According to Chat GPT can be used at 3.5level for free and there are no other barriers for students

  • E ase of use

Anyone can use it, no training required, just the ability to type, Chat GPT can be used in any language.

  • C osts

Costs require a registered account or logging in with an existing Google account

  • T eaching functions

It saves time and gives a summary, but the information it provides may not be accurate and needs to be identified.

  • I nteraction

It can communicate interactively and give different answers depending on the scenario

  • O rganisational issues

My institution can provide more specialized information will Chat GPT improve as well as the library can provide more specific specialized information

  • N etworking

It allows more people to participate in the course as it can creates a customized program for each person’s different personality preferences.

  • S ecurity and privacy

Privacy is confidential because Chat GPT only responds to more in-the-moment requests and does not collect any private information.


  • What tools did you find useful in your explorations this week and how did you use them? Which ones were not useful?

I found Chat GPT and stable Diffusion and Quillbot are pretty useful. They were able to help me quickly with my needs, which greatly increased my efficiency. Especially stable Diffusion, which converts any idea into a picture for me, which makes it easier for me to explain my ideas to others.

  • Where do you think these tools will be in their evolution in 2-3 years’ time?

I believe that in 2-3 years, these tools will become smarter and more accurate, and as technology advances, more and more people are accepting the involvement of AI in our lives, and more organizations are willing to share their knowledge with AI, which will make it more accurate.


Module 4: Principles of Learning

Here’s the interactive learning video:

Lesson design plan:

Big Idea   What is the big idea that the learner will walk away with at the end of the lesson that is critical for learners at this stage of their learning path?  Learning Outcome(s)What specific things will the learner know or be able to do by the end of the lesson?  Evidence of LearningWhat does learning look like for this objective? (e.g., accurate performance of a task, correct use of terminology)AssessmentsWhat will learners do to provide evidence of their learning? (e.g., a presentation, a test, a project)Learning ActivitiesWhat learning activities will allow learners to acquire and practice the skills necessary to demonstrate their learning and complete the assessment successfully?
 Have baisc idea of how to use google docs efficently. learner will be able to: locate google docs, know the basic features, assess and compare with other software.Be able to locate the google docs and insert pictures.A post with pictures that is made by google docs.Watch demonstration videos.Contact with other people in the group.


I think video game learning is a very good way for learners. It allows learners to switch from passive learning to active learning, which solves learners’ annoyance and resistance to lection. This improves the learning efficiency. In Merrill’s First Principle, I think integration, activation, and demonstration play a major role. However the application may be forgotten. Because the learner may only remember this knowledge because of the current game, but not actually use it in real life. When designing my own lessons, I add more learner-responsive questions and allow learners to make connections to the content of the lesson based on their own life experiences. I think separating half the amount of active and half the amount of passive learning is the most effective balance.


Module 3 Storytelling

Story from Twine

Describe a meaningful learning experience that started with a story that you heard. What made it impactful for you? What senses did it appeal to? Did you recognize any of the storytelling techniques reviewed this week?

I read a story once upon a time about an author born and raised in the United States who followed his parents back to Syria. The story was brief and used a conversational tone as per the techniques we were taught. As I read it, I felt like I was involved in the story, which is why I still remember it so vividly, five years later!As with my story in Twine, I think giving readers a variety of different options and keeping them engaged is the most effective way to learn.

The learning purpose of my video is to teach people how to jack up your car if you a problem with your tires. The reason that the video a good medium for this learning purpose is the video could give us a clear view how how to exactly work on the car instead of only be using words. i have used cognitive load theory from what we have learned. It inspirses people for seeking more and more knowledge with their involvement. The most challenge part of my video is the noise in the outside, i wish i could have a microphone next time to capture my vioce next time.


Module 2: Design Principles for Effective and Accessible Multimedia

Accessibility with WAVE

After inserting my first post URL into WAVE, I found that WAVE pointed out many of my shortcomings regarding accessibility. For example, my font color lacks contrast, and alternative text is missing in many places. I was surprised by the number of questions like this that I wasn’t aware of before. Changes to the above issues have made my blog more accessible, this also allows my posts to be seen by more people.

Text to Speech/Screen Readers:

I read my first post using a text-to-speech tool. During this period, I tried closing my eyes and listening to feel the difference. I’ve found that while text-to-speech is a great tool for helping people with dyslexia, it’s not entirely perfect. Because the reading voice is more robotic and lacks inflection and tone. And it cannot filter and distinguish article topics and annotation symbols. This makes reading more difficult.

Infographics with Canva:

Comments on other’s post:

Module 1: Theories of Multimedia Learning

 Most intuitive theory:

From all the theories we have learned, i feel that the most intuitive theory is the cognitive load theroy and it suprises me. It explains the differences between long-term memory and intrinsic load. From the video i learned that humans have limited space of working memory. If one kind of memory load increases, then another kind of memory load might decreases. Everything we learned will create some kind of cognitive load through eyes and sound.

Principle in mind:

Signaling principle is the principle in my mind when creating my screencast. I have highlighted the important part and details by appling this principle to gain the attention from my viewer. Also, i have used redundancy theroy of applying images in order to explain the meaning to viewers. It was a challenge to choose the most appropriate images and the simplest ones for my explaining.

Audience for this screencast:

I used my classmates as an imaginary audience, which allowed me to speed up my explanations as I went through my screencast because I thought most of my classmates were in my age range and they were quicker at picking up new things.

Learning principle that have intuitively followed in the past:

I have been following the coherance theroy in my past . i would always add background music for my slides. However, i have temporal contiguity as i always explain my graphic on the next slide.

Creating my screencast:

i creat my screencast using a software called filmage screen. It is a powerful tool for recording. My cast is about ‘how to use google docs’, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of googld docs in our real life.

Comment on others:

Introductory Post

Hello my name is keifer, i am majoring at Economics. This is my last term of my undergrade degree at UVic. i am excited and nervous with my furture path outside school.

I was born in China and raised in Victoria. I love my life of living in victoria. But after the years of living here, i am getting tired and would like to move to Vancouver after i finish school.

After the part of my final term course, i am excited to finish up my degree with all of you guys. Look forward to work with all of you!

here’s the attachment to my Learning Pod Self-Reflection.

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