I wonder if I put a few words here?

Module 1: Theories of Multimedia Learning

 Most intuitive theory:

From all the theories we have learned, i feel that the most intuitive theory is the cognitive load theroy and it suprises me. It explains the differences between long-term memory and intrinsic load. From the video i learned that humans have limited space of working memory. If one kind of memory load increases, then another kind of memory load might decreases. Everything we learned will create some kind of cognitive load through eyes and sound.

Principle in mind:

Signaling principle is the principle in my mind when creating my screencast. I have highlighted the important part and details by appling this principle to gain the attention from my viewer. Also, i have used redundancy theroy of applying images in order to explain the meaning to viewers. It was a challenge to choose the most appropriate images and the simplest ones for my explaining.

Audience for this screencast:

I used my classmates as an imaginary audience, which allowed me to speed up my explanations as I went through my screencast because I thought most of my classmates were in my age range and they were quicker at picking up new things.

Learning principle that have intuitively followed in the past:

I have been following the coherance theroy in my past . i would always add background music for my slides. However, i have temporal contiguity as i always explain my graphic on the next slide.

Creating my screencast:

i creat my screencast using a software called filmage screen. It is a powerful tool for recording. My cast is about ‘how to use google docs’, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of googld docs in our real life.

Comment on others:


  1. scmteacher

    Hi Keifer,

    Great blog post! I found that your comments regarding cognitive load theory really resonated with me, especially where you talked about memory and intrinsic load. I also really liked how you applied the signaling principle in your screencast by highlighting important parts and using images. I also thought it was cool that you’ve been consistent with coherence theory and have added music to media before. I also really enjoyed your screencast, very well done!

    Looking forward to reading more from your blog,


  2. zhuorui

    I like your video very much and enjoy the process of your teaching. I can follow every step and I did not pull it off from the beginning to the end. Good job!

  3. delaneyv

    Hi Keifer,

    Great job on your Module 1 Blog Post! I agree that cognitive load theory is very interesting, as I found it to be the most intuitive as well. I like that you explained the challenges of applying some of the principles that we learned about. As great as it would be to incorporate all of them, I feel that your contribution to this topic reminds us that we must choose the principles that best serve out method of learning. Additionally, I really enjoyed your description of the audience you had in mind. It makes sense that you would base your screencast on students who had general knowledge of what you were teaching. How do you feel you would have to change your screencast if you were targeting a different audience? Perhaps an older generation that was not as tech savvy?

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